Leading by example, forging ahead | Our company's operation center holds a process inspection summary and commendation conference

前海国信    DATE:2023-09-25    TYPE:Company Dynamics

To establish a model, commend the advanced, better leverage the professional advantages of the operation center, and improve the level of professional services. Our operations center launched a process inspection month on August 1st, which sorted out each process in actual work, screened risk nodes, and summarized card control elements. After multiple rounds of inspection and review, it was finally completed on September 15th. On September 21st, the Operations Center held a summary and commendation meeting for the September process inspection, with the Director of the Operations Center and colleagues from various workplace operations centers attending the meeting.

At the meeting, the managers of each department in the operations center made a summary report on the process inspection of their respective departments. The Director of Operations Center fully affirmed the overall process inspection results based on the actual data from January 2022 to August 2023, and stated that the process of Operations Center is scientific, rigorous, and meticulous, with a focus on human execution! In the future, strict procedures need to be implemented, and management should focus on "execution".        At the award ceremony, the "Best Summary Award", "Best Solution Improvement Award", and "Best Architecture Award" were presented respectively, and a total of 12 colleagues were commended. The award-winning colleagues have expressed their opinions, stating that the results of this process inspection come from the efforts and participation of the entire team.

The meeting emphasized that special activities for process inspection will be held regularly in the future, and continuous review and improvement of processes will be carried out to ensure 100% execution and continuously improve work efficiency.







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