Our co-founder Li Wenhao was invited to attend the 8th Shenzhen Electronics Industry Moments event

前海国信    DATE:2023-09-21    TYPE:Company Dynamics

On September 15th, the 8th Shenzhen Electronics Industry Moments event, jointly organized by Xin Tongle and Xin Shiye and sponsored by Huansheng Exhibition (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., was held at the Chunmanyuan Hotel in Futian District, Shenzhen. The theme of this event is "Gathering for warmth, surviving in adversity, and welcoming spring". More than a hundred industry professionals, including electronic component distributors, terminal manufacturers, and industry media, attended, and our co-founder Li Wenhao was invited to participate. Through keynote speeches, roundtable discussions, and other forms, a series of insights and in-depth discussions were conducted on the challenges, opportunities, and future development strategies faced by the semiconductor distribution industry on site.

Fan Yi

The rotating chairman of the current event for the CEO of Anxinyi

In recent years, the global electronic information industry chain has been continuously expanding to the mainland, and international electronic component distributors have also actively entered through this. China's importance in the global semiconductor distribution field is increasing day by day. Compared to international distributors, domestic electronic component distributors have greater advantages in understanding the needs, industrial layout, resource allocation, and technical support of the local electronic industry. Before the rapidly expanding market size, development opportunities are self-evident. At the same time, we cannot ignore that the cyclical fluctuations and unpredictable international situation in the semiconductor industry pose great uncertainty to the electronic component distribution industry.

Mai Manquan

Specially appointed expert of the ECAS Expert Committee of the Component Application and Supply Chain Branch of the China Information Industry Association

"I think whether it is the technological breakthroughs of our Chinese enterprises, the integration between industry giants, or the social environment we (the industry) are in, these factors will have a great impact on the market changes in the next three, five, or even ten years. As the rotating chairman of this session, Fan Yi, CEO of Anxin Yi, analyzed the current market of the industry from three dimensions: local technological breakthroughs, industry giant integration, and social environment in his opening speech.". It indicates that all enterprises should learn to adapt to the current changing environment, while strengthening industrial linkage and learning from each other to absorb more nutrients.

Li Shibao

CEO of Shenzhen Hongbotong Electronics Co., Ltd

In his keynote speech "Reflections on Expanding Overseas Marketing", Li Shibao, CEO of Shenzhen Hongbotong Electronics Co., Ltd., shared his insights on expanding overseas marketing from seven aspects: the overseas marketing capabilities of expanding devices, the overseas expansion situation of distributors in other countries, what preparations need to be made for going abroad, the market situation of domestic brands overseas, and small tips for overseas customer acquisition. Through a series of explorations in the early stages, Li Shibao concluded that the most important aspects of going abroad are team collaboration, talent upgrading, and on-site inspections.

Wang Mengxiong

Xin Shiye's specially invited mentor (founder/CEO of Mengxing)

During his keynote speech "What Teams Will Win in Spring", Wang Mengxiong, the specially invited mentor (Founder/CEO of Mengxing) of Xin Shiye, shared how excellent leadership can empower chip companies and revitalize their "chip" vitality. Starting from Huawei's winter mindset, how to drive organizational development through leadership, and share the excellent leadership development class plan to establish a team that wins in spring. The Mengxing mentor team has explored various aspects of the enterprise management consulting process and found that in order to truly achieve team collaboration and achieve sustained and effective growth of the enterprise, the core transformation comes from the leaders themselves. For the future, Wang Mengxiong looks forward to saying, "We hope to work together with everyone to build a leading enterprise and entrepreneur in the electronic distribution industry."

Wu Shounong

Founder and CEO of Xintongle Resource Sharing Platform

The keynote speech brought by Wu Shounong, CEO of Xintongle Resource Sharing Platform, is "Creating" Xintongle "Together, a Port for Distribution Industry Friends". Regarding the current industrial environment, Wu Shounong emphasizes the importance of "huddling together for warmth and mutual trust". When mentioning the original intention of the establishment of the "Xintongle Resource Sharing Platform", Wu Shounong stated that its existence is to connect semiconductor industry resources and create an efficient and win-win semiconductor ecosystem.

Through speech sharing, roundtable discussions, and other activities, the on-site guests gained a lot. At the dinner, our co-founder Li Wenhao and other guests discussed how to seize the current opportunities, leverage their respective strengths, increase cooperation, and work together to face the new challenges brought by the new round of semiconductor revolution and industrial transformation in the semiconductor distribution field.







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