Guoxin internal training-effective communication

前海国信    DATE:2021-09-15    TYPE:Company Dynamics

Guoxin internal training-effective communication

September 15, 2021 ★ Nanchang

How to communicate effectively

In order to further improve communication skills in daily work and optimize the efficiency of communication and collaboration, at 2 pm on September 15th, the Personnel Administration Center organized a special training on "Effective Communication" in the Nanchang office, aiming to pass this training, Help employees understand that interpersonal communication is a two-way communication process. In this training, Li Wenhao, the deputy general manager, was invited as the training lecturer, and all Nanchang workplace employees participated in the training.

Before the start of the training


In the training, Mr. Li analyzed the importance of effective communication among office premises, departments and employees in easy-to-understand language. And combined with practical methods, through reporting the number, turning left and right back... a variety of training methods to enhance the staff's concentration and overall coordination, adding practical dry goods to the training. "No matter how much the environment indulges you, you must have demands on yourself and maintain a self-disciplined temperament. Maybe it can't change your status quo for the time being, but over time, what it will give you back will surely surprise you. People who have demands on themselves , It's never too bad."

"You Say I Draw" Team Game


This outreach training set up two mini games of "You Say I Draw". All employees are divided into four teams. In the game, a team leader is used to describe the geometric drawings received, and the other team members are based on the information they heard. , Draw according to your own understanding, and cannot ask questions or speak during the whole process. There is also an observer in each group to supervise the drawing process of other teams.

Representative speech


After the training, each team leader and observer expressed their thoughts on the experience of the event. They felt that one-way communication may bring some troubles to interpersonal communication. They often think that the expression is very clear, but others understand differently. . It also gave you many good methods and new ideas on how to avoid or reduce interpersonal misunderstandings and improve interpersonal skills. The internal training of "Effective Communication" came to a successful conclusion!

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Qianhai Guoxin

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